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“Unemployment is bigger than a political party. It is a national danger and a national scandal.” – Ellen Wilkinson

Why Are You Unemployed?

In today’s consumer world, unemployment is a raging phenomenon. With the population constantly growing and the number of available jobs decreasing, unemployment is one of the most serious issues confronting the employee class. We are living in a time with a lot of competition, and of course why not? 

The Importance of Education

We all see how the COVID19 pandemic affects the business processes and education system, which may eventually collapse the world economy. It is expected to see the unemployment rates increase in proportion to the literacy rate. In poor countries, we can just look around and see millions of jobless people. More schools and good education will surely increase employment, but are you one of those who will stand out in the competition?

Let’s say you have good education but you are still jobless. Below are some of the most common causes for your unemployment.

Top Reasons for Unemployment

The primary causes of unemployment differ, but certain problems are at the root of an individual being unemployed for an extended period of time.

And in this day and age, where everyone is just interested in a person’s work credentials, even the best education can often land a genius nowhere.

  1. Poor Interviewing Skills – The interview is the first chance to make a positive first impression. If you don’t shine in the interview, you’re not going to get the job. Take the time to plan ahead of time, conduct research, and project a sense of excellence.
  2. Lack of a Professional Network – The majority of jobs are identified through your contacts. If you don’t spend more time creating a trustworthy, competent network, you’ll be shut out of the entire secret job market.
  3. Underqualified / Overqualified – If you don’t have the desired skills, then you know there’s not much employer looking for you. Skill up! If employers believe you are overqualified, you will be bored and will feel entitled to something bigger and better.
  4. Issues w/ Your Resume – Your CV is the first version of you that a potential new employer can see, so make sure your work background, experience, and credentials are up to date and applicable to the sector you are applying to. Make sure you have a correct email address and a phone number where employers can reach you.
  5. Unprofessional Demeanor/Appearance – Most businesses have a reputation to maintain. If you arrive looking sloppy, with tattoos and piercings all over, your chances of getting hired may suffer.
“You never know what you can achieve until you try. Just never, ever give up.” – Robin Ryan

Now, if you think you have no problem with the list above, a negative mindset and a tendency to not present yourself well may be two possible explanations why you are still not be getting your dream job.

Have a Positive Mindset

When you’ve been out of work for a while and haven’t been able to find another job, it’s easy to get depressed. It also does not help you do well in interviews. Being as optimistic as possible about potential jobs and your skills during your unemployment time can show in your interviews. Whether you turn up to a job interview and It will be noted if you are defeated. Find the positive aspects of your job quest and regard each interview or future opportunity as a step in the right direction.

Present Yourself Well

You will be remembered based on how you introduce yourself. It communicates to a potential new employer how important self-representation is to you, how much you value your prospective employer’s opinion, and how much effort you’re willing to put in. Dress the part of a happy potential employee, and you could just get the job.

Is it time to revise your career quest to make yourself more employable? Before they can be employed, everybody must put in the time and effort to look for work. You could become the perfect candidate by making a few minor changes to your job quest. Are you prepared to bid farewell to your jobless status?